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Re: ignoring upstream debian directory

also sprach Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> [2004.10.28.2218 +0200]:
> Patch cannot delete files.

It can:

       -E  or  --remove-empty-files
          Remove  output  files  that  are  empty  after the patches
          have been applied.  Normally this option is unnecessary,
          since patch can exam‐ ine the time stamps on the header to
          determine whether a file should exist after patching.
          However, if the input is not a  context  diff or  if
          patch  is  conforming  to POSIX, patch does not remove
          empty patched files unless this option is given.   When
          patch  removes  a file, it also attempts to remove any
          empty ancestor directories.

So I wonder what `dpkg-source -x` is using. Is it forcing
POSIX compatibility? It does not look like it, this is how
dpkg-source calls patch:

  patch -s -t -F 0 -N -p1 -u -V never -g0 -b -z .dpkg-orig

So by the above logic, it *should* remove deleted (emptied) files.

Ah, I guess it's because dpkg-source uses unified instead of context
diffs. I wonder why, and what context diffs offer that unified ones

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