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Recompiling a package

Hi people

I was searching for a package and I've found it. But it´s compiled for Debian stable. I use Debian unstable and I would like to compile it for my version of Debian.
How can I recompile it? I have those files:

I know how to create Debian packages, but only to create new packages.
Unpacking the .orig.tar.gz only creates the directory of the program, but without the debian/ directory. What do I have to do?

Thank you very much

|   .^.   | Nelson Antônio de Oliveira            |
|   /V\   | Ciência da Computação - UNESP - SJRP  |
|  // \\  | E-mail: naoliv@comput.ibilce.unesp.br |
| /( . )\ |         n3150nao@bol.com.br           |
|  ^^-^^  |                                       |
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