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Status report: Making OpenJDK 7 the default in Wheezy LTS

Hi all,

here is a summary about the current status of making OpenJDK 7 the
default Java JRE / JDK in Wheezy-LTS.

Intended changes

1. Making OpenJDK 7 the default by updating src:java-common, so that
   default-jre and default-jdk will install OpenJDK 7 instead of
   OpenJDK 6.
   When: Two months after Wheezy-LTS started, on 2016-06-26
   Status: Ready

2. Changing the runtime dependencies of eighteen packages that strictly
   depend on either openjdk-6-jre, openjdk-6-jdk, openjdk-6-jre |
   sun-java6-jre or similar combinations to default-jre | java6-runtime
   or default-jdk | java6-sdk.
   When: Upload with last point update for Wheezy or via Wheezy-LTS
         update at the end of April 2016.
   Status: Ready

3. Announcing the switch via NEWS file in java-common and Debian NEWS,
   debian-security-announce, debian-lts-announce and other appropriate
   channels two months in advance to give users enough time to ensure
   that their web and desktop applications are compatible with
   OpenJDK 7.
   When: Start of Wheezy-LTS on 2016-04-26


After discussing the switch to OpenJDK 7 on debian-java [1] and IRC, I
came to the conclusion that we should give LTS users more time to
evaluate the switch to OpenJDK 7. Desktop users should hardly notice any
changes at all but server admins might want to assess this more
carefully if they run web servers like Tomcat or Jetty. Web applications
may behave differently due to binary or behavioral changes. These
possible issues are documented at [2].

Therefore I suggest that we change the default two months after the
start of Wheezy-LTS. I have already made the necessary changes in
src:java-common which can be uploaded any time. The change still
requires manual intervention by the user by using the
update-alternatives --config java command, if OpenJDK 6 was previously


I have now identified eighteen packages that require a source upload. I
had to change their runtime dependencies to openjdk-6-jre |
java6-runtime or openjdk-6-jdk | java6-sdk, so that OpenJDK 6 won't be
installed. In a few cases I also adjusted a start script. These packages
are ready to upload, now I'm waiting for the go from the release team. [3]


We should communicate this change via the debian-security-announce and
debian-lts-announce mailing lists, Debian NEWS and with a NEWS file in
java-common. I have updated Santiago's initial work on
https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Wheezy and added a paragraph about
OpenJDK 7. We should link to this page in all announcements.



[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2016/03/msg00044.html
[3] https://bugs.debian.org/819247

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