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Lenny general freeze ahead


included is a patch for initramfs-tools, 
custom uloop utilities 
and my live-initramfs version,

written in every included changelog are my observations and a list of some 
changes for this mod:


Jordi Pujol

live-initramfs (1.132.1-1-jp1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * This package is developed assuming that Busybox is the main command shell
    in the initial ram disk, and the Busybox commands are not overwritten by 
    executable files.
    Is developed a patch to initramfs-tools implementing that.
  * File /etc/live.conf stores initial config to start the live OS.
  * File /etc/live.vars is updated with variable values for the live 
    The function "really-export" manages this file.
    That values are used in all the live scripts, and also in some scripts
    into the already started Live OS.
  * File /etc/default/live-initramfs has the config to control how is 
generated the initrd.
  * /etc/live.conf: Sets the Live configuration and also
    gets the value of the "conf" option from the boot command line.
    When the variables are assigned in /etc/live.conf, some special characters 
    spaces are supported.
  * /debian/init: use the variable values from live.vars.
  * /debian/control: recommends linuxlogo and dialog. Don't recommend 
  * /hooks/live: use the file /etc/default/live-initramfs to get the options 
    generate the initial RAM disk, and generate it according to that values.
  * /hooks/live: the dependency of the module squashfs to lzma, is 
automatically detected
    by initramfs-tools, (if squashfs is lzma enabled).
  * /hooks/live: use cryptoloop module for encryption, (module from kernel).
  * /hooks/live: include module uloop to cache in RAM memory all the reads
    from the main compressed file, and my custom program ulobdev.
  * /manpages/live-initramfs.en.7.txt: structured in sections,
    explains a lot of new options.
  * /Makefile: installs also the new created files, 
(/etc/default/live-initramfs, and others).
  * scripts/live: Don't change the PATH variable, the default PATH is correct.
    (that default is /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin).
  * scripts/live: Parse the boot options according two option types:
    indicators and values.
    Indicators support affirmative and negative forms. Values can be
    an assigment to null value or strings without spaces nor special 
  * Use the debug file /tmp/initramfs.debug. Is created a link named
    /live.log, for compatibility with previous versions of live-initramfs.
  * Use the variable VALID_FILESYSTEMS to search for the Live OS related 
  * Use the function get_sysblock to get the list of working block devices.
  * Indicator options: scancdrom and scanfloppy, corresponding to the 
  * When a value refers to a disk partition or block device, use a device name 
    a partition property, *LABEL* or either *UUID*. Sometimes specify only a 
    to be interpreted as a volume label.
  * Fstab: Use the /etc/fstab file in the root filesystem to mount and 
auto-fsck the persistent
    home partition.
  * Custom mounts: Use the /etc/fstab file in the root filesystem to custom 
mount and also auto-fsck
    other partitions.
  * Parametrized use of swap partitions: none, auto scanning or specifying 
partition device names,
    label or uuid. Multiple swap partitions allowed.
  * Create system files at boot time: To set some little (and very important)
    aspects of the Live OS.
  * Create initrd files at boot time: To set some little (and very important)
    aspects of the Live OS, before beggining to start.
  * Set every aspect of OS persistence: No persistent at all, home persistent, 
home snapshots,
    root persistent, root snapshots. The values of that variables use device 
names, labels
    or uuids. When only a name is found, it's interpreted as a device label 
(for compatibility).
  * Auto update the compressed files containing the Live OS: When the files 
are on a local disk,
    and is found a file with the extension .new replace the old file by the 
new one.
  * append-hostimages: search from the *LIVE_MEDIA_PATH* in subdirectories 
named as
    the *MAC network addresses* or *hostname* or the *active IP adressess*
    for files containing a live filesystem and append them to the live 
  * uloop: cache the compressed files of the Live OS. Is created a cache
    in a RAM tmpfs filesystem.
    It has some kind of failure recover, if it did not find something usable, 
the normal loop
    mounting for block devices is performed.
    Experimental: If a label or uuid is specified, *live-initramfs* will try 
to find
    this device for the uloop cache, creating the specified directory, if it 
not exists.
  * networking ip: Specify also the domain name and the nameservers of the 
  * user-uid, user-password-crypted, user-default-groups: Specify the values 
for that.
    Optional parameters, if not specified the default values are used.
  * user password disabled : special management of the variables that disables
    the user password.
  * set multiple users in a started Live OS: similar options to the previous 
for an user,
    but multiple users can be specified.
  * home-setup: Indicator to create (or not) initial configuration files in 
the home directory.
  * sudo: Used as an indicator and also extended using as a value, see 
  * load-modules: modules to load at kernel start.
  * modprobe-d: modules related instructions: options, install, blacklist
  * fasthalt: For a fast system halt, use this parameter, and the halt
    procedures will unmount only the filesystems mounted with read/write 
option and
    swap partitions also.
  * linuxlogo: Splash the linux logo in the boot text console, also use as 
user prompt in the
    console login, or Splash the linux logo in the halt (or reboot) text 
    (see the package linuxlogo)
  * dialog: Text screens with windowing aspect, to request passwords, etc...
  * concurrency: System services startup Concurrency type.
  * multiple locales: as it says.
  * Do package install: a compressed file can contain a directory with scripts 
to install himself.
    If enabled, live-initramfs runs the scripts to install the package. 
(advanced use, take with care)
    I'am referring to custom-made scripts performing some custom tasks, 
(normally live-initramfs can't use
    the control files from a Debian package, and some tasks are not practical 
to do at start time).
  * incremental joining to the aufs root: Every compressed file is added 
separatedly to the
    aufs root; thus giving control to the files that are present in every 
mounting of a compressed file,
    and allows detailed package install.
  * and a lot of other changes, compare with the previous standard version.

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