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Re: Expat license and "free for academic users"

On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:14:41 +0300 Andrius Merkys wrote:

> Hello,


> [Please keep me in CC, I am not subscribed]


> I encountered a package EvoEF2 [1] which is licensed under Expat and has 
> the following in its README.md:
> "EvoEF2 is free to academic users."
> To me such limitation seems to contradict the Expat license, but I 
> wonder what is the legal opinion about such combination. I know that I 
> can always ask the upstream for clarification which I did earlier when 
> the restriction was:
> "... unauthorized copying of the source code files via any medium is 
> strictly prohibited."
> However, I am interested in the legal meaning of the current situation.
> [1] https://github.com/tommyhuangthu/EvoEF2
> [2] https://github.com/tommyhuangthu/EvoEF2/issues/1

Well, take into account that I am not a lawyer.

Anyway, to me, the sentence "EvoEF2 is free to academic users." looks
a little misleading.

One could nitpick that the sentence is not false: it's true that EvoEF2
is free to academic users, since it's released under the Expat license,
and therefore it's free to everyone, including academic users.

However, the sentence may make the reader think that EvoEF2 is free
_only_ to academic users, although it does not say so.

I would suggest to once again get in touch with upstream and persuade
them to drop that sentence, or perhaps to replace it with something
like "EvoEF2 is free to all users."

I hope this helps.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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