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Re: transitive GPL (exim4, OpenSSL, mySQL and others)

Marc Haber <mh+debian-legal@zugschlus.de> writes:

> The former [relicensing component parts under compatible licenses]
> is not an option for OpenSSL (has probably been tried millions of
> times)

Never say never; popular works do sometimes change licenses from
community pressure to be compatible. I haven't tried it myself in the
case of OpenSSL, though, so I can't gainsay your specific statement of
multiple attempts.

> and the latter [replacing components with functional equivalents
> under compatible licenses] is, in the majority of users' opinion,
> not an option because GnuTLS has major interoperability issues to be
> actually useable.

I keep seeing this claim made, but the specifics elude me. This thread
isn't really the place to detail it, though.

Is there a clearing-house site showing exactly what the problems are
for a project wanting to move from OpenSSL to GnuTLS, and why those
problems are so insurmountable that GnuTLS cannot be improved to
overcome them despite "the majority of users" wanting those

 \         "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."  ("Whatever is |
  `\                    said in Latin, sounds profound.") —anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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