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Re: GPL 3 and derivatives

Francesco Poli wrote:
Looking at the explanation: neutralising EUCD/DMCA-type laws is good,
but using GPLv3 comes with the cost of endorsing things like the
Affero GPL.

... and despite its length, it does not even implement an actually
working copyleft mechanism.  :-(

Francesco, that's very surprising. Can you please elaborate, or have you posted your opinion on this already in previous threads?

GPLv3 only just meets the DFSG, but has a broken copyleft and annoying

It would really be helpful to have a well-structured document in the wiki regarding the compliance of the GPLv3 to the DFSG. There were a lot of comments on this list at the time of draft discussion of GPL and I did not follow them and some of the comments from that time may not apply now - to the final GPLv3 that is.

Shriramana Sharma.

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