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Andrew Suffield <asuffield@debian.org> wrote:
> Here's what I have in mind:
> http://people.debian.org/~asuffield/licenses/cddl/summary.html

It looks a comprehensive minute apart from repeated points, but
some of the stock language needs a tune-up (Who cares whether the
licence is DFSG-free?  We package software not licences!) and you
already plan to work on the presentation. I think the biggest
improvements would be to replace message-id on the index with
a format like local_part.MMDD.HH:MM (so henning.0909.14:51 is
the first) and to use a dl instead of a ul for the first level.

In general, I'm impressed and the idea could be used in a lot
of places to avoid sending everyone to wade through tons of
verbose mail. Will the mail-minute-maker scripts be released?

Best wishes,
My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
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