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Re: Choice-of-Venue is OK with the DFSG.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 03:01:59AM +0100, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> In fairness he was responding to the Debian tabloid press, which
> traditionally takes an event, removes all semblence of useful
> information from it, and posts an inaccurate remark along with a URL
> to something inappropriate. So his primary error was in believing what
> you read in the tabloids.
> (In this specific instance, it looks like one of my offhand remarks
> swatting down a non-argument, under the assumption that -legal
> subscribers understand the context and other people have sense enough
> to ask - right alongside four other posts with detailed
> explanations. Gotta love tabloids).

If that's the case, then Bruce should learn to check his sources and discover
the arguments; and once he's done so, to present his arguments as arguments,
and not decrees.  I wouldn't have grunted about it, except that it's happened
before, in precisely the same way:


Glenn Maynard

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