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Re: Bug#242449: fixed? not quite yet


[Cc to debian-legal, please CC back as I'm not subscribed]

On 2004-08-10 Dave O wrote:
> This isn't quite ready to be considered "fixed" since the new version > of the license exception will apply to future releases of MySQL > including 4.0.21.  However, if 4.0.21 is not out by the freeze, this
> is still a DFSG concern for sarge.  If only for the purpose of raising
> awareness of this, this bug should probably remain open as a policy
> violation...

As far as I understood Zak Greant (MySQL)'s intention and the text of the online doku, there is no point in which states that the currently displayed license at http://www.mysql.com/ does not apply to the currently downloadable versions, which includes 4.0.20.
A counterexample is that they do make a note that for the 3.23 server version which is to be used under a different license.

-> we are fine to use the currently displayed license for our packages

The only minor bug I can currently see is that the licence text in the manual of mysql-doc (non-free) contradicts with the up-to-date text in debian/copyright.

How do our debian-legel guys see this?



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