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Re: DFSG-freeness of Apache Software Licenses

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> What we are trying to prevent is a patent owner submitting a
> contribution that includes the patented or patent-pending material
> for the purpose of later suing those who use the larger work. The
> patent itself might not even be granted yet, let alone be publicly
> known.

That particular goal is quite acceptable (and a very good idea, IMO.)
The primary issue debian-legal has with this clause is the Reciprocity
aspect of it.

A clause that enables the license to a piece of IP in a piece of Free
Software to be revokable is a useage restriction, and as such, not
DSFG Free.[1] [It fails DFSG #5 and #6.]

Hopefully that clears this up some.

Don Armstrong

1: http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines
The attackers hadn't simply robbed the bank. They had carried off
everything portable, including the security cameras, the carpets, the
chairs, and the light and plumbing fixtures. The conspirators had
deliberately punished the bank, for reasons best known to themselves,
or to their unknown controllers. They had superglued doors and
shattered windows, severed power and communications cables, poured
stnking toxins into the wallspaces, and concreted all of the sinks and
drains. In eight minutes, sixty people had ruined the building so
thouroughly that it had to be condemed and later demolished.

-- Bruce Sterling, _Distraction_ p4


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