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Re: MySQL licensing and OpenSSL linking issues

Scripsit bts@alum.mit.edu (Brian T. Sniffen)
> Steve Langasek <vorlon@netexpress.net> writes:

> > Would it be reasonable to ask them to "snapshot" the OSI license list
> > with every release?

> The contributors would each need to assent to each change of the list, or
> assign copyright to MySQL, or assent to the schema of changes (and I'd
> assume that last to be shaky).

A way around it might be to simply say "all licenses that meet the
OSD" rather than "all licenses that are certified by OSI". Then
someone who used the clause could have his own day in court proving
that it does indeed meet the OSD, irrespective of what the OSI

Of course, as was pointed out several times in the recent OSD/DFSG
convergence flamewar, the OSD (or DFSG) is not really well suited as a
basis for having a day in court, but that is another issue.

Henning Makholm  "Det er jo svært at vide noget når man ikke ved det, ikke?"

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