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Re: A possible approach in "solving" the FDL problem

neroden@twcny.rr.com (Nathanael Nerode)  wrote on 07.08.03 in <i01U.da.23@gated-at.bofh.it>:

> Wouter Verhelst <wouter@grep.be> wrote:
> >Additionally, the FSF
> >is not alone by claiming software isn't the same thing as
> >documentation; international agreements and most countries worldwide
> >make a distincion between how software and other copyrighted stuff is
> >protected by law.
> You're muddling things.  Software != "computer programs".

It is not? I certainly can't come up with an example that is one and not  
the other.

> How many of them refer specifically to "software", which is a broader
> category than "computer programs"?

What difference is that?

> We can admit that there is a distinction between "computer programs" and
> "documentation", while still insisting that documentation on a disk or
> in memory is "software".

Or we can insist that documentation on a disk or in memory is NOT  

Because it really is not.

MfG Kai

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