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Re: Barriers to an ASP loophole closure

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 10:26:44AM -0500, Jeremy Hankins wrote:

>> The idea is that, before I make the software available in any way,
>> I should be able to decide who should get access and who should
>> not.  And that list need not include the author.
> Uh, why, exactly? How is that different than saying "The idea is
> that, before I make the software available in any way, I should be
> able to decide who should get access to the source and who should
> not. And that list need not include people who get copies of the
> binaries."

Because there's no reason I should have to give it to the author.
Giving it to people I distribute binaries to makes sense, because
they're using the software (or possessors of the software, if you take
that view) and should have the freedoms associated with it.  Giving it
to the author is simply an extra requirement, albeit one that may make
things simpler for the license and/or distributor (which is not the
author in this case).

Jeremy Hankins <nowan@nowan.org>
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