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online with Sony 505


After trying everything still I can't go inline with my Sony Vaio 505TX.
So, I guess the question now is if somebody have the same computer,
installed Debian successfully, and made the modem work.

Some people here, having a different laptop advised on how they did with
their PC.

And I read some HOWTO's of people instaling Red Hat or SuSe in this model.

But nothing has worked.

StillI don't have sound - which even not so essencial, will help to listen
the modem is dialing-and still I have to read my email from the Windows

As I told here before, I have already tried ppp, kppp, xisp, and wvdial
I am using Slink now. (I would love to move to potato using apt sometime)

So, to whoever in this list have the same laptop:
With which package did your modem work?

Thanks. And Merry Chritsmas to all.

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