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Re: The Plan

Nicolas Bertolissio wrote:

Le Saturday 17 January 2004, Tim Dijkstra écrit :
Hi francophones,

So what is the plan with respect to your translation status page? I
would love to develop the page further and if we want to integrate it in
the debian pages we should definitely do that. For that to
happen somebody needs to set up some things on a debian server,
ideally something where I can commit to. So if there's a debian
developer who could do that, please do so.

I've asked on -devel-french whether it is possible to have an access to
a database server and I'm waiting for an answer.

It could be possible to do this without SQL, but with db2 or db3 has php
support these, but it must be quite an among of work to do this (from my
experience with ddts) and not so easy to use.

I have managed to do something on my local machine with postgreSQL and
it seems it works.
As I'm not very fond of copying lots of files on Debian machines when
they already are in the list archives, I've replaced the 'file' column
by a 'url' one (so it can still be use to store file url) and still have
to work on how to fill it (I must parse the list archives).

Salud muchachos!,

je viens juste de m'abonner a cette liste. A part de vous aider (esperons!) avec le boulot de traduction, par hasard il se trouve que en cadre professionelle je suis un DBA avec un maitrise de SQL assez bien develope (si j'ose le dire moi-meme). J'ai pas choppe les antecedants de ce message mais si un SQL maitre peut vous etre utile en ce cas, je suis pret a vous aider (sans dire qu'il me faudra un plus infos sur ce project specifique, naturellement...)


Paul Bowman

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