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Re: Request to review templates of OpenStack-related packages

Camaleón wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 10:51:27 +0100, Justin B Rye wrote:
> (I replied to this message but no e-mail came through... resending)

Well, it's reassuring to hear that I'm not the only person it
sometimes does that to...

> I have a couple of suggestions for "glance" (I'm the current Spanish 
> translator):
> msgid ""
> " - the server host name (that server must allow TCP connections from this
> \n"
> "   machine);\n"
> " - a username and password to access the database.\n"
> " - A database type that you want to use."
>  ^  ^
> 1/ There's a leading whitespace before the dash, is that okay?
> 2/ Uppercase/lowercase usage should be consistent (keep the first 
> character, all in uppercase or lowercase but not mixed).

When a bulleted list use dashes instead of asterisks, that's a sign it
hasn't gone through a d-l-e review, or at least not on a day when I
was operating at normal levels of pedantry.  This looks like the old
version of glance/configure_db in glance-common.templates - compare
the version in the logs for bug #708659.

> msgid ""
> "Enter the IP address of your keystone server, so that glance-api can 
> contact "
> "Keystone to do the Glance service and endpoint creation."
> By "do the Glance service" what do you exactly mean here?

It's "do the Glance-service-and-endpoint creation", or in other words,
"perform the creation of the Glance service and endpoint".

> This one sounds 
> a bit fuzzy from a translator's POV, I mean, given that "to do" verb is 
> an auxiliary one it can be translated to almost anything, it would be 
> great if the action could be tuned a bit more (e.g., "start", 
> "initialize", "setup", "perform", "realize"... and so on).

This is glance/keystone-ip in glance-api.templates; yes, I have to
admit I let this one through - it's not ungrammatical, it's just...
flabby.  I should probably have corrected it to just:

  Please enter the IP address of the Keystone server, so that glance-api can
  contact Keystone to set up the Glance service and endpoint.
That's assuming that when it says "IP address" it really does mean
that and not "hostname" or "URL" or something...

>>  https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-english/2013/06/msg00094.html
> Interesting thread.
> I wonder what motivated the change (project → tenant) and why the author 
> chose this specific term which in English only has a specific meaning 
> with not many parallelisms with the old one ("project").

The idea seems to be that tenants are in some sense like user
accounts, but it's a painfully overstretched metaphor that the
documentation does nothing to justify.

Oh, here's an interesting page:


"A tenant is a group of zero or more users".  And you assign users to
tenants to manage their permissions (defined in terms of "roles").  It
makes me wonder why they didn't just name them "groups"...
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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