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Re: What needs to improve in KDE 4?

On Monday 10 May 2010 16.08:40 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Please tell us what problems, bugs, or issues KDE 4 that make it
> difficult to use.

Nepomuk / Strigi need to improve a *lot*.

* Strigi sucks up all disk bandwidth and, given enough time, all memory to 
the point where the oom kill kills my session.
* Strigi index uses all my disk.  Removing folders that were indexed (either 
removing these files, or removing them from the strigi configuration so 
they're not indexed anymore) didn't seem to have any effect on index size.
* Likewise when I completely disable file indexing: the database doesn't 
shrink / isn't removed.

I'd really like to use file indexing, but everytime I enable it, I quickly 
turn it off again :-(

-- vbi

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