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Re: Strange systray behaviour in kde 3.5.1

On Friday 10 February 2006 16:32, Pavel Šimerda wrote:
> I'm seeing the same for keyboard layout switch icon.

For everybody who was seeing this: I think I have found out the root of the 
problem. At least I have solved the issue for me.

Searching for the relevant bug in the KDE database I have found this one:

The only problem is that it is already resolved in 3.5.1 and that it said 
that the problem only manifested itself if you were using the kompmgr (You 
are using the kompmgr/composite support if you have enabled Transparency 
and Shadows under Desktop/Window Behaviour in the KDE Control Panel).

I wasn't using the composite, so I could not understand how could this 
Then I read your letter and assumed (altough it was not completely clear), 
that the problem only manifested itself for you with the upgrade from 
3.5.0 to 3.5.1. (I have skipped 3.5.0).
So I read the svn log for kdebase and tried to find the offending change. 
The only one related at all to composite was the one resolving bug 100177. 
Just it did not solve the issue for me even if I have turned on composite.

So I have tried the only left solution: reverting the offending patch.
And it seems that it has solved the issue for me.

I have done all this with my private backport of KDE 3.5.1 to sarge. More 
exactly to the backports on backports.org (which is relevant because the 
X.Org on backports.org is the same as the one in etch and has composite 
So it may not solve your problems. But I'm hoping it does.
It would be good if somebody could confirm that this solves the issue with 
Sid too.

If someone would like to try this out you should just download kdebase 
sources, then add the patch and recompile.
Patch can be obtained with the next command:
svn diff -r 499345:499344 

You can just add the patch in the debian/patches directory of the sources 
eg with name 29_revert_systraywin.patch and just recompile with 'debuild 
-us -uc' and it should be enough.


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