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Re: directory names for configuration files

Am Dienstag, 18. Januar 2005 14:46 schrieb Derek Broughton:
> On Tuesday 18 January 2005 08:06, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> > I just looked at the chosen names and do not understand the reason for
> > it: - Why is it /etc/kde3 but ~/.kde?
> Is that "why is it not ~/.kde3", or "why is it hidden"?  It's hidden
> because I don't want to see all the config files, most of the time, whereas
> that's all that's in /etc, so why would you be looking there if you didn't
> want to see config files.  It's .kde rather than .kde3, I suspect, because
> it doesn't make sense for an individual user to have two sets of config
> files, but it does make sense during initial testing and evaluation for the
> system to keep the kde2 files around.

I meant whey they have different names in /etc and home (hidden files are 
normal and good). Keeping the /etc/kde2 around results in never removing 
them, even on a purge? I do not quite understand why there not a 
simple /etc/kde. Keeping backup of the old files is part of the administrator 
job, not the package maintainers duty.

> > - Why are the .DCOP* files not in ~/.kde? Does anything else use dcop?
> Anything else _can_.  I don't know what else does.

As long as it's not standardized at freedesktop.org, nothing else than KDE 
will use it.
BTW: they are dynamically created on every start, does such things belong to a 
home directory? It must be a pain when using NFS...
OTOH: .ICEauthority, .Xauthority and other such files show such mean 
behaviour, too.

> > - Why does ~/.kpackage exist?
> Interesting.  I didn't know it did - you must have used kpackage at least
> once - and it appears to contain all the .debs (and .rpms) that I
> downloaded off the web but for which I didn't use apt-get and sources.list.
>  In particular, I see it has a couple of webmin debs that I couldn't seem
> to get from my regular mirrors on the weekend, so I went to the debian.org
> website, and an Oracle jdbc driver which is non-free.

Hmm, knode does not use it's own directory but uses .kde/share/apps/knode, 
kpackage oddity/bug, it seems.


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