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Re: Debs for latest Qt version

S. C. Linnenbringer wrote:
Is there an apt source which has the latest debs for Qt (3.0.5) and generally keeps up to date? Do debs for Qt 3.0.5 exist, or should I compile it from source? Will compiling from source cause problems with my Debian package management system?

Do what I just did if you're using woody (as I presume you are, it's already in unstable) - pull the QT 3.0.5 source from unstable, and compile it on your woody system. It works perfectly for me so far as I can tell. I also removed the mysql/pgsql/odbc crap too as I'm unlikely to ever use it. (just remove those sections from the debian/control and debian/rules files).

Get the three source packages off http://packages.debian.org and unpack with the command:

dpkg-source -x foo.dsc

Make any changes necessary to debian/control or debian/rules, and as regular user run:

dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot

Have a cup of tea, and hey presto, you have woody qt packages. I just mentioned in my package descriptions what I'd done, to differentiate it from the stock debian packages. Likewise, I've been busy compiling i686 optimized kde3 packages in the same manor, it's really dead easy :) No more packageless files scattered everywhere. Oh, before compiling kde I built vorbis/lame packages in the same manor. iirc the vorbis ones come already debian0rized off vorbis.com


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