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Re: DCOP errors and libkdeui errors

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On Sunday 25 November 2001 20:08, John Gay wrote:
> I am looking for someone who can tell me a
> bit about DCOP, there are no man pages or any other info on my
> system that I can find. Where should it be started, what program or
> script is responsible for starting it and why it should stop
> working?

DCOP is a protocol that allows KDE applications to communicate with 
each other and with shell scripts. You can do pretty much everything 
with DCOP that you can also do in the GUI (at least it's supposed to 
work that way). For example, you can initiate a Mail check in KMail 
using DCOP.

I don't know exactly what for but programs need to register with a 
DCOP server that runs on your machine: [ ps -afux output ]

magnus    2291  0.0  1.3 15076 5140 ?        S    11:35   0:03 
kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid

I _*think*_ that KDE programs cannot start if they can't connect to a 
DCOP server. And (as I've just found your message in my trash ...) 
this seems to be the case for you. NORMALLY, though, KDE applications 
that don't find a running DCOP server start it automatically so 
obviously something with your configuration / install of the DCOP 
server has gone quite wrong.

Does that help you? Otherwise, please look into your DCOP 
configuration and maybe provide some more detail so that I can look 
into it more closely. Also, your first E-Mail would be nice (I can't 
find it in the list archives and it's already purged from my trash 

Sorry that nobody answered your question on this list, please don't 
let that discourage you. KDE 2.2.2 is so cool (really) that it's 
worth the pain to install it (I had some problems, too).

- -- 
- -M

- -------  Magnus von Koeller  <magnus@vonkoeller.de> ------
 Georg-Westermann-Allee 76 / 38104 Braunschweig / Germany
   Phone: +49-(0)531/2094886 Mobile: +49-(0)179/4562940

 lp1 on fire (One of the more obfuscated kernel messages)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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