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Re: ARTS, ALSA, and DevFS

It depends on what version of alsa you're using. arts only supports the
older 0.5 (stable) version of alsa. If you're using alsa 0.9, you're outta
luck and you'll have to get the OSS compatibility layer working in alsa and
use the normal OSS version of arts. There is a new version of arts in the
works to support 0.9 but it's not done yet, AFAIK.

About getting the OSS compatability to work, I've got a config for alsa and
some devfs config stuff that makes it all autoload. Unfotunately, I'm not at
that machine but I can send it to you later this evening if you want.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Hansen" <joshhansen@byu.edu>
To: <debian-kde@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: ARTS, ALSA, and DevFS

Boy oh boy oh boy - three cutting edge technologies that just aren't quite
agreeing with each other. Here is my problem: I am using devfs, so when I
load my ALSA sound modules the usual /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer etc. aren't
created, only the things like /dev/snd/hwD0C0 and other ALSA-specific
devices. Seems to me that if I am using the ALSA version of ARTS it
matter if the OSS-compatibility devices like /dev/dsp are there or not
(perhaps my reasoning is wrong???) So, what device do I point ARTS to so it
uses ALSA natively? Or is it absolutely necessary to have a /dev/dsp ??? I
would prefer not to have to modify the devfsd to create a /dev/dsp when ALSA
loads - rather I would like to run ARTS in pure ALSA-native mode.

Thank you for any advice!

- josh

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