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Re: Ivan- KDE 2.2 final - What's the status?

  Mike> Create a /etc/apt/preferences file that favours "testing"

  Wolfgang> Do you have any reference where these advanced features of
  Wolfgang> "apt" would be documented?

  Mike> apt-get -t unstable install kde

  tluxt> Where can I find out what the "-t" does?  man apt-get on my newly
  tluxt> installed Potato system doesn't have that option listed, and is
  tluxt> from 4/12/98.

These are features of apt-0.5.3, which is available in "testing" &
"unstable".  See the apt-get(8) and apt_preferences(5) man-pages.

The man-pages aren't entirely clear, though.  I learned what I know thru a
combination of debian-user postings, and experimentation :-)

cheers, Mike

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