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Re: TO ALL: Long application startup time

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:38:54PM -0700, Mircea Luca wrote:
> Jens Benecke wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 

first, thanks for the many replies. It seems I'm not alone here, which is a
good feeling. So I'll share my discoveries. ;)

After I found out that on a K5-133 (i.e. 486!) with 80MB RAM  we use as a
web station (and print server) KDE starts in 30 seconds, but Konqueror is
up in <3 seconds (!), I became angry and looked more closely at my

It seems that KDE keeps deleting and recreating a really large amount of
files in the .kde/ directory. For example in .kde/share/config, I found
over 400 (!) .nfs* style "orphaned NFS files" (i.e. files that were deleted
by a NFS client but couldn't be physically deleted by the NFS server yet
because of locking problems).

Additionally, I found about 200 files that seemed to be backups of some
config files. Then, I found a 13 MB kio_http cache although I run a local
proxy and have caching turned OFF in Konqueror.

Last, I found the old "bookmarks" files, and it seems that Konqueror is
still reading those, because after I deleted THOSE and restarted KDE,
Konqueror was _much_ quicker to come up than before.

So, to summarize:

	- KDE creates LOTS of .nfs* orphans when $HOME = NFS

	- KDE doesn't delete old bookmarks and (probably) still reads them

	- KDE doesn't keep track of old config files that are no longer
	  active and on ext2 and especially NFS file systems it makes a
	  difference whether you have 100 or 1000 files in one directory.

Nevertheless, I think there is still room for optimization in Konqueror
itself. Some other browsers use half the CPU and still take half the time
to render complex HTML tables (e.g. Opera). Does anybody of the 2.2alpha
users feel that Konqueror's rendering engine has sped up noticeably? 

Jens Benecke                   "Und deshalb sollte man ja auch immer _alle_
                                 Editoren installieren:  XEmacs _und_ Vim."
				                             -- Sven Guckes
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