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Re: OpenSSL 0.9.6a breaks X?

> Much thanks, works like a charm..
> Now back to rebuilding kde cvs ...

speaking of which...  (switching email to debian-kde)...

I'll be uploading kde2.2 packages for sid to http://people.debian.org/~rkrusty
soon.  I'm slowly but surely digging through the changes and different

I still have no intention of uploading 2.2 packages to sid until officially
released unless the final beta is extremly stable.  However I do plan on 
following the alpha -> beta's for my local machine.  In fact I'm running
on 2.2 right now as I write this email..using ksirc to be on irc and listening
to music with noatun.  

Anyways..I figured other's would want the packages so I'll drop them on people
for folks to grab.  I'll post a apt line once I get that far.  There will be
some changes and alot of changes that will continue one.  I have several
goals for the 2.2 packages mainly dealing with cleaning them up, removing old
hacks, adding in more documentation, and fixing bugs.  There will be alot
of time spent going through the bug lists to find out what bugs were actually
closed and which ones still need to be fixed.

so...I have kdelibs, kdebase, kdemultimedia, and kdenetwork built here locally.
I'm going through them again right now for a clean build and then will start
uploding them.  I have NO intention of doing potato packages.  someone else
can do that.  As it stands now I have alot on my plate with new X4.0.3 packages
that require an update to how QT is built plus all the gcc3 testing and fixing
that needs to happen.  (somebody have some free time? :) )  There are also
an increasing amount of differences between potato and sid...anyways, don't
ask me to do them.  when 2.2 comes out I'll have packages done for potato.


Ivan E. Moore II
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