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Re: Tux Paint 2002.07.19

On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 10:57:39PM -0700, nbs wrote:
> I've released a new version of Tux Paint!

Thanks!  2002.07.19 is in the upload queue.  Should be in sid in a couple of

> New features:
>   * Added Sparkle and Fade "Magic" tools.

J (4) and R (8) both enjoyed these new tools, with Sparkle appealing more to
my 4yo and Fade more to my 8yo.

>   * Added option for simple Shape tool (no rotation mode)  (--simpleshapes)

Haven't tried this yet.

>   * Added accelerator keys  (e.g. Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-R for Undo and Redo)
>   * Added key controls for "Open" dialog.
>   * Added key controls for pop-up prompts.

Great!  I'll have to teach R these at least.

> Documentation-related:
>   * Installs man page into /usr/share/man by default now.

Hmm, except /usr isn't the right prefix for me.  It would be handier if I
could just override PREFIX and have it affect all paths.  Now the .desktop
and icon files have to have their paths individually adjusted.  Any
particular reason you didn't define these in terms of PREFIX?

>   * No longer installs "INSTALL.txt" when installing documents.

Well, on second thought, don't do that for Debian's sake.  There are other
docs I don't install, either, but that's due to Debian policy, not something
that should be forced onto upstream.  I just dh_installdoc anyway instead of
using your install-doc target so they are installed in a policy-compliant
way (gzipped, when appropriate, and only including the docs that are
relevant to the end-user).

>   * Install target split up (install-bin, install-data, etc.) in Makefile

Thanks.  Makes my packaging a whole lot easier.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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