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Tux Paint 2002.07.19

I've released a new version of Tux Paint!

It incorporates a few changes which were put in the 2002.07.18 Windows release
by John Popplewell, as well as a lot of other changes and new features:

New features:

  * Added Sparkle and Fade "Magic" tools.

  * Added option for simple Shape tool (no rotation mode)  (--simpleshapes)

  * Added accelerator keys  (e.g. Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-R for Undo and Redo)
  * Added key controls for "Open" dialog.
  * Added key controls for pop-up prompts.


  * Installs man page into /usr/share/man by default now.
  * Man page now gzipped when installed.

  * No longer installs "INSTALL.txt" when installing documents.
  * Install target split up (install-bin, install-data, etc.) in Makefile

  * Added initial help display ("--help")

  * Version info. shows whether or not some compile-time options were set.

  * Title/credits screen now dismisses itself after 5 seconds.


  * Installs PNG icon (for use by GNOME, KDE, etc.)
  * Installs launcher into GNOME and KDE menus (under "Graphics")
  * Created 32x32, 24 color (based on "cmap.xpm") XPM icon.

  * Added descriptive comments to Makefile

Bug Fixes / Tweaks:

  * Fixed SDL surface manipulation calls (now locks/unlocks, etc.)

  * Fixed "Open" dialog cursor movement bug when scrolling up.

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