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Re: jmdns -- java implementation of multi-cast DNS (Apple Rendezvous)

Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Hi there,
>   Since this will be my first checkin to pkg-java SVN, I'd like to
> make sure I am not doing anything wrong. I intend to svn commit the
> following files:
> https://gdcm.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gdcm/Sandbox/debian-med/jmdns
>   The layout seems to be slightly different from debian-med, so I'd
> like to know what are the tool you use to inject debian/* file in
> trunk and manage the branches & tags ? I could not find any detailed
> information on:
> http://java.debian.net/developers.html#rules
> Thank you

Hi Matheiu.

I believe svn-inject will work for this, if you use the options
"-l 2 -O"

Also, you may want to send emails to <debian-java@lists.debian.org>
rather than <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>.
p-j-m@l.a.d.o gets all the auto-generated emails from upload and such.


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