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Re: [PROPOSAL] dh_ant

Hallo Stefan,

* Stefan Gybas wrote:
>I think I have a better solution. I'd like to create an Ant class for 
>CDBS (http://build-common.alioth.debian.org/) so debian/rules will 
>become really simple. For example, take a look at debian/rules from the 
>latest doc++ package, it's really amazing. Imagine this as debian/rules 
>for all Ant-based Java packages:

I don't agree, at least until this can also be done with packages,
where I have to call differnt targets, install difeferently and so on.
This is nice, if you have a build.xml, which fits into debian
environments. Unfortunatelly this is hardly the case (think: ant isn't
tailored to linux as configure and make are).

Please start something mroe lowlevel, which will save work in *most*
packages. I really like the idea of dh_ant, which handles Classpath,
buildfiles, properties and output.

># JARs from /usr/share/java to be added to the class path
>CLASSPATH_JARS=xerces bsf servlet-2.3

I wouldn't mind if that would be done in a
(package|jar-SONAME).javalibs file and deployed with the jar, so that
we could build a common starter file, which could manage the CLASSPATH

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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