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Re: ximian fatto, ora staroffice

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 12:13:43AM +0200, MaX in the FaX wrote:
> se scarico staroffice 5.2 e lo includo cosí comé in una dir con la 
> licenza di sun, commetto un abuso?
> E se la distro venisse venduta da altri, questi commetterebbero un 
> abuso?

l'unico modo per saperlo penso si far leggere la licenza a un avvocato :-(

> scaricare la versione US + IT + ES + GE ....
> poi con diff tra US / IT > patch

Temo vengano delle patch tanto tanto grosse.
Sempre ammesso che si riescano a produrre, visto che
   If `diff' thinks that either of the two files it is comparing is
   binary (a non-text file), it normally treats that pair of files much as
   if the summary output format had been selected (*note Brief::.), and
   reports only that the binary files are different.  This is because line
   by line comparisons are usually not meaningful for binary files.

   In operating systems that distinguish between text and binary files,
   `diff' normally reads and writes all data as text.  Use the `--binary'
   option to force `diff' to read and write binary data instead.  This
   option has no effect on a Posix-compliant system like GNU or
   traditional Unix.

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