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Re: disk partition schemes

"Kevin J. Menard, Jr." <kmenard@WPI.EDU> writes:

> Hey guys (and gals),
>     I'm redoing a machine of mine.  Was a Mandrake system, but now it's going to
>     be a debian one ;)
>     Basically, I have 20 gigs of space to tinker with (well, there's really 40
>     there, but I run a hardware RAID 10).  I also have half a gig of SDRAM (sure
>     this would matter with swap space).  Now, I have no problem running fdisk or
>     anything, but I wanted to get a feel for what people are doing for various
>     types of systems.
>     This system would be used mostly for web-hosting, so I was figuring a large
>     /home partition.  Likewise only one or two kernels max, so I figured a
>     small /boot.  And finally, and this is really where I'm looking for help, it
>     will be used as an IMAP/SMTP machine.  So, should I create a separate /var
>     partition?  I'm hesitant because I don't want to a) not create a large
>     enough partition, or b) create too large of one and waste space.  Do the
>     performance gains outweigh this?  (I'm not terribly worried about the
>     redundancy with the RAID 10 and all).
>     I'd really be interested in what you guys think.  TIA.

 My suggestion would be:

/boot  : Sector sizes and such already discussed, you will
	 discover that you need a separate boot, and then it
	 will be to late. You are not talking about wasing space
	 here either, it can be really small, but you will need
	 it for example when you start trying out alternative
	 filesystems (like reiserfs or whatever) or software
	 raid or other stuff...

/var:	 Really necessary. Log files, .debs,. If this is on root
	 filesystem chances are your machine will crasch, and
	 not boot up.

/var/spool: Neat idea. I usually don't have one, but since your
	    are going to do isp stuff... You'll have a lot of
	    angry customers if you lose their email...

/tmp	    Same reasons as with /var. If you are using the 2.4
	    kernel you could use the shmemfs (or whatever it is
	    called, same as tmpfs on SunOS.) if you allocate
	    enough of swap. A lot faster.

swap	    Yes, a lot of this...

/ & /usr    Yes, also necessary. Reason behind this. Your
	    machine is going to crasch. You will need as much of
	    operating system as possible to salvage rest of
	    system with. /var /home and other partitions  with
	    lots of writes to are going to be in a mess, and you
	    are going to have one crash were you are not able to
	    fsck these partitions, but must restore data from
	    backups.  Debian project working towards system
	    containing enough tools on '/' to do this, but don't
	    know if it is ready yet. Anyway, the smaller the
	    root fs is the better. (fsck times and reduce chance of

/home	    In above mentioned crasch, if you are able to
	    salvage home accounts, but not email, you are in
	    trouble. If you are not able to salvage home
	    accounts at all, you are out of business. Allocate a
	    separate one and backup it regurarly...

Generall idea in other words, get as much stuff of the root
partition as possible, and use separate partitions for stuff
that gets written to a lot, and that might fill up. (Yes, your
logfiles will overflow the system. Make sure they don't stop
stuff from being written to other places, like /tmp, when they
do, or you will not be able to login and clean it up...)

Torbjörn Pettersson               #  Email   tobbe@strul.nu
Vattugatan 5                      #  Web     www.strul.nu/~tobbe
S-111 52  Stockholm, Sweden       #

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