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Re: ProFTPD IPv6 support

On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Tadas wrote:

> I have successfully managed to set up apache2 and ssh services under IPv6.
> Nevertheless, I would like to have my FTP service running under IPv6. I
> have looked at a proftp website and I found that it can  be compiled
> with ipv6 support. Does sarge or sid packages of proftpd are compiled
> with ipv6 support?

I wanted to do the same thing, now my servers are running PureFTPD
binaries from cobolt.net:

"deb http://debian.cobolt.net/ pure-ftpd-test main" in sources.list

then "apt-get -s install pure-ftpd"

I run this on various servers and am very happy with it.
Also if you install pure-ftpd-mysql you get database support.
Another nice feature is the support for TLS (allthough not much clients
support it).

best regards,

  *    ***     Dick Visser         TIENHUIS Networking
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