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Re: How use Launchpad translations for translate debian-installer upstreams?

(Colin, old horse beaten again..... this time, a thread in
debian-i18n, started by Marcos Alvarez Costales, the brand new
Asturian translator...who comes from the Ubuntu/LP approach and
recently completed the new language process for D-I. Marcos was
surprised by the differences in the debian-installer translations in
LP and what we offer to translate in Debian)

(I wonder if that couldn't be crossposted to ubuntu-i18n)

Quoting Marcos Alvarez Costales (marcos.alvarez.costales@gmail.com):
> It's similar, but not equal :(
> All translation work >> Trash!

This is something I discussed numerous times with Colin Watson who,
besides many other things, is in charge of handling debian-installer
for Ubuntu and manages the synchronizations. It's been numerous years
since Colin works on D-I on both "sides" (and for D-I before Ubuntu
even existed) and tries to manage the flow.

Colin will correct my mistakes but, roughly:

What you see in LP as "debian-installer" is the debian-installer
package as it was.....at the last synchronization. Syncs are done when
Colin needs to release the debian-installer package for Ubuntu in
order to prepare an Ubuntu release.

Some magic even has to happen later because of the "branding" (the
name for the distro here and there) and a few other things that are
specific to Ubuntu.

From Colin's words this ias always been a slightly hackish system, in

What we both agree on (don't take it wrongly, we are most often in
agreement) is that translating only in LP/Rosetta cannot be enough:
- you will be missing strings (some D-I packages are not used in
- you will have fuzzy strings (those where branding happened)
- you will need to bring back things yourself in D-I with manual commits

So, while you can use Rosetta for the initial work, fine tuning later
has to happen in the D-I i18n infrastructure. *That* will later flow
back to Ubuntu.

Of course, the D-I infrastructure is certainly not as shiny and
appealing as Rosetta is....but this is what we have right now and,
well, it has proven to work for about sixty languages as of now..:-)

The work is not really trashed, that said. As I wrote, when you
translate stuff in Rosetta, then manually bring it back to Debian,
you'll keep most of your work. But, as of now, you need to bring it
back manually.

I'm opened to any contribution that would make this more automatic,
certainly....contributions welcomed.

Another way to work, maybe closer to the Rosetta approach, would be
using the Pootle interface at http://pootle.debian.net. This is still
considered as quite experimental but a few teams are using Pootle
successfully now.

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