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(forw) [Translate-devel] Virtaal 0.2 rc1, call for translation

In case some of you folks would like to participate in this....

Please first coordinate on translate-devel@lists.sourceforge.net which
is, indeed, a mailing list I'd recommend you to be suscribed to if
interested in the developemtn of good translation tools.

----- Forwarded message from F Wolff <friedel@translate.org.za> -----

From: F Wolff <friedel@translate.org.za>
To: translate-devel <translate-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Organization: Translate.org.za
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:58:07 +0200
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.22.0-4.1mdv2008.1 
Subject: [Translate-devel] Virtaal 0.2 rc1, call for translation
X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 49.1774 )

Hallo list

I am very pleased to announce the first release candidate of Virtaal -
an offline translation program built on the powerful API of the
Translate Toolkit. "Virtaal" is an Afrikaans play on words meaning "For
Language", but also refers to translation. The wiki page for the program
is here:


I believe many of you will already find it a useful and productive
environment to work in. Perhaps some of these features will be
attractive to you:

- Support for many localisation file formats: Gettext (.po and .mo),
XLIFF (.xlf), TMX (.tmx), TBX (.tbx), WordFast TM (.txt), Qt linguist
(.ts), Qt Phrase Book (.qph)

- Simple layout with fast and easy navigation in the file

- Displays comments from programmers and previous translators

- Displays context (like msgctxt in PO)

- Autocorrect and autocomplete (users of OpenOffice.org should feel
right at home)

- Copying original string to target string taking your language's
punctuation rules into account

- Spell checker for source and target text (might not work on all
Windows platforms)

To try out Virtaal, feel free to have a look at the current snapshot

For Windows, I recommend the file called Virtaal....-setup.exe - this
contains all the required dependencies.

There is also an RPM for Fedora Core and a generic RPM that works for
me on Mandriva. Please volunteer if you are able to help with packaging
on more platforms. Any help with Mac OSX will be greatly appreciated.

In general, you will need
- Python 2.4 or later (mostly tested with Python 2.5)
- GTK and PyGTK and all their dependencies
- The Translate Toolkit version 1.2 with all dependencies (try out the
current release candidates at the same URL)
- Optionally: gtkspell and pygtkspell (might be packaged as
gnome-python-extras or something similar)

Please report on your success or issues. As always, our bugzilla server
is at http://bugs.locamotion.org/  For those in a hurry to contribute
interface translations, feel free to put it in bugzilla. We will
probably host the translations on Pootle very soon. The POT file is
available here:

Happy translating!

Recently on my blog:

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----- End forwarded message -----


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