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Re: debconf PO translations for the package emdebian-tools

> It's very rough, but 10-14 days would provide enough time to complete
> testing and make a few more bug fixes before uploading v0.0.4 a few
> days after that - if v0.0.3 is not out of NEW by then, 0.0.4 will just
> have to replace it in the queue.

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer.

While working on the French translation, I noticed a few glitches:

- "into the current working directory or into a  preset working directory"

  There's a double space. This is probably because your original
  templates file has a trailing space on the line that ens with "into

- "If you already have a valid username and svn commit access within Emdebian, "
"emsource can checkout and commit the emdebian patch files without further "

   "emdebian" does not seem to be consistently using upper/lowercase

- "Debian username or identity. If you do not (yet) have an Emdebian username, "
"leave this blank. (emsource will use anonymous checkouts of the patch files.)"

I'm not entirely sure that the use of parenthesis at the end is
typographically correct for English. My personal use would be:

Debian username or identity. If you do not (yet) have an Emdebian username,
leave this blank (emsource will use anonymous checkouts of the patch files).

But, not being a native speaker, I may be wrong here.

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