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J1 CD images

The J floppies, debian-cd and baseHurd are all working, although not as
well as the H3 series.  I am now at the fiddling stage to get everything
working as well as I can.

I am not intending to include those packages that have been rejected by
debian-cd because of dependency problems as this would mean a fifth CD.

If there are no problems I will produce jigdo templates as well.

I hope to have this completed within a week.


  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 025 267 9420
     philipc@copyleft.co.nz - preferred.          philipc@debian.org
     I sell GNU/Linux & GNU/Hurd CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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