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Re: dpkg-scanpackages - where is it?

Richard Hirst wrote:

On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 10:42:37PM -0800, Ou Phrontis wrote:

Trying to install a deb file with
dkpg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null |gzip -c -9 > packages.gz

I don't have dkpg-scanpackages but I have dkpg?

I do an apt-get install dkpg
and get I already have the newest version.

So is dkpy-scanpackages inside another package?
how would I find it?

Of course it is just there on my i386 install.

Running debian 3.1 on a b2600  2.6.8-2-64

Thanks for any insight, suggestions, links

richard@beast:/mnt/parisc$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/dpkg-scanpackages
dpkg-dev: /usr/bin/dpkg-scanpackages

So dpkg-scanpackages is provided by dpkg-dev.  dpkg-scanpackages isn't
used to "install a deb file", but I assume you know what you meant :)


Just another tip I use frequently in this case:

At this page's bottom you can "Search the contents of packages"
even by intall type (i.e. stable, testing, ...) and also by arch (i386, hppa, ...), e.g. dpkg-scanpackages for stable & hppa

(well just like a common cmdl it dislikes my dyslectic key typing as atp-egt in place of apt-get ;-| )


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