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Re: ETA for glibc 2.3.4?

Joerg Bashir wrote:

Greetings from the aforementioned Internet Archive...  the people
running into this problem are the Heritrix crawler folks (highly
multithreaded Java Application.
Small world. I was talking to Gordon Mohr about this at CodeCon which gave me the pointer that its probably glibc and that I should upgrade to FedoraCore. I'm not willing to do that though ;). We're a Debian shop and not ready to move.

The only reason I would like the Debian folks to consider this a
serious/grave enough bug from some kind of fix in the sarge/sid
timeframe is that without it, Debian is not ready for 2.6.x/NPTL which
is huge, especially for people running on Opteron.  I'm running distro's
from Alioth and they have the same bug..
Yeah... we want to move to Opteron as well but just aren't ready yet. We haven't even stabilized our i386 boxes and a big move would be costly.

That said I'd still have a major bug on that platform.  ... anyway

Here is my less than tactful post earlier...  with links at the bottom
that may make it cross some threashold.


Kevin, here are possibly relevant posts.  I haven't tried them yet since
I got our crawler folks up on FC3.  They were on a set of netboot
machines so it was somewhat trivial to switch distributions.



If you have success, perhaps these would be uninvasive enough to get
into sarge/sid.
WOW.. Thats awesome!  thanks for the references!

Now I'm CONVINCED that we (my company) needs to update glibc! Why can't you put an updated glibc in unstable and let 2.3.2 remain in testing? Isn't that what unstable's FOR?

If you just put an updated glibc in unstable people like the Internet Archive and Rojo wouldn't have to use an entire new distribution or build from source (which I wouldn't mind so much as long as there were instructions somewhere).

Thread race conditions seems like a big issue :-/

Thanks guys!



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