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Re: using Debian money to buy and handle booth stuff (Re: Disappointment about the appearance of our CLT booth)

On 23.03.2009, at 16:57, Michael Banck wrote:

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 04:39:23PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
I asked the FOSDEM and Cebit
booth organizers whether they could use it, but the booths were too
small each time for it apparently.

Having been at FOSDEM and at last years CeBIT booth, I disagree.

Well, I was there (FOSDEM) as well and thought it would have fit, but it
was hard to tell beforehand.  Anyway, that's past now, what's the next
event coming up? LinuxTag?

On Sonntag, 22. März 2009, Michael Meskes wrote:
Where do we have CDs that could have been send?

(AFAIK we dont have any yet.)

Maybe this would be a good opportunity to spend some Debian money on
(see thread on -vote), to produce 1-2000 lenny DVDs or so?

Now that we have reasonable multi-arch netinst-CDs and multi-arch DVDs, the effort to produce them should be greatly reduced compared to earlier
LinuxTag editions where Joerg spent countless hours mastering them.

So I guess it is a matter of finding sponsors and pointing a CD/DVD
printer company to the .iso, plus see about shipping.

at CeBit Ingo Wichmann from Linux-Hotel said that they will spend some money or a CD production of lenny CDs.
Please contact him directly via iw@linux-tag.org

Also I think it would be a good idea to spend Debian money on buying a
shippable case, stuff it with booth stuff (like a banner,

Even though a beamer is high on the list for about every event we have,
I am not convinced it's really necessary.  Booth sizes seem to go down
in general, and you need not only a beamer but also a canvas or
something similar to actually use it, plus the space.

And then, we'd need something to display. Just showing the Debian
homepage on the standard GNOME/KDE desktop doesn't warrant that.

There are ideas floating around (a customized BB, a rolling OOo
presentation, the d-i babelbox), but nothing which is fire-and-forget
for booth personell right now.

Ganneff (and me) customized BB at CeBit with some facts about Debian.
That was the ey-catcher around. Everyone looks at the BB  ;-)

I think it makes maybe more sense to have a reasonably sized TFT display

some posters,

As Andreas said, we need a good Lenny poster.

a money box, laminated pricelists and and and) and then also
use Debian money to ship the box from event to event. Maybe even put a
small demo machine (without display..) in it...

We still have a donated demo machine (the former GNOME.de demo maschine I think) we used at Systems 2008 and 2009, but the casing is falling off
all the time and the DVD/CD writer looked broken last time we tried.
But it might be better than nothing.

at credativs office there are also 3 machines (lufthansa) from the projekt?
Ganneff correct me if i´m wrong.

This machines were on CeBit 2007 with a demo point a babelbox and a repo.




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