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Re: -Events-

* Alexander Wirt <formorer@formorer.de> [2003-07-17 10:50]:
> The questions is: what is with names on the shirts ? Thats a little bit
> difficult, since we don't have names and unique shirts are more
> expensive. 

 They don't have to be necessarily on the shirt itself. That would be
where the badges come in.  That should be enough, if they are printed on
paper and placed in those platic badges with a needle on its back.

 Roman Beigelbeck (star from art.gnome.org) made a quite nice design for
the Linuxwochen last year in austria, maybe he is willing to do a more
general one which we can use for that.

 So long,
Alfie [still having his badge ;]
use Mail::Signature;
$sig = Mail::Signature->new;
print $sig->random;

Attachment: pgpkoPdyYmDg0.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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