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Bug#151581: dpkg: missing relation (conflicts) on sysvinit

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Andrew Suffield wrote:

> Package: dpkg
> Version: 1.9.21
> Severity: normal
> dpkg 1.9.17 to 1.9.21 conflicted with sysvinit << 2.80, to ensure that
> it was upgraded to a version which contained update-rc.d. This is
> missing from dpkg 1.10, breaking potato->sid upgrades (woody->sid
> should be fine).
> (Is this still wanted when going from potato->sarge? Probably
> not... but until some time after woody is released, it needs to stay)

That's odd.  I suspect something is wrong with Wichert's system.

cvs annotate debian/control
1.1          (maor     29-Jan-99): Package: dpkg
1.32         (doogie   07-Oct-01): Conflicts: sysvinit (<< 2.82-1)
1.25         (doogie   30-Apr-01): Package: dpkg-static
1.32         (doogie   07-Oct-01): Depends: sysvinit (>= 2.82-1)

There is most definately a conflicts line on the 1.10 branch.  I suspect
Wichert built from his work dir, and had a misapplied cvs conflict.  I got the
above by checking out the 1.10 branch.

Additionally, dpkg-static should have the same conflicts line, not a depends.
I'll fix that separately.

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