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Re: Git Packaging: Native source formats

On 8/28/19 4:00 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Back in the day, one of the big reasons for separating .orig.tar.gz from
> .diff.gz was to reuse upstream tarballs for space reasons, both in terms
> of space on mirrors when the pool had two Debian revisions with the same
> upstream, as well as to reduce upload time.

Besides the clear separation of upstream content and downstream tweaks
an important quality of this concept is immutability of the upstream
code that has already been obtained, inspected, signed by a DD/DM and
subsequently deposited into Debian archive.

I've seen cases where obtaining an upstream tarball from an official
upstream website at two different points in time results in slightly
different content. I've also seen developers deleting a git tag and then
creating a new git tag using exactly the same name/release number
pointing to different commit. And finally downloading a dynamically
created tarball based on a git tag does not mean you'll get exactly the
same content every time either because the currently running
archiving/compressing tools have changed or because of already mentioned
human factors.

Git commit hash is somewhat more reliable than a git tag but reliance on
SHA-1 hash has also been mentioned as a step backward as Debian has
moved on to a more advanced hash algorithm. These and other possibly
unforeseen problems make the concept of immutable upstream code
deposited in the Debian archive very appealing and surely more reliable
compared to the Git tag method of sourcing.


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