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this list archive spoils e-mails + strange Enigmail typos

On 2011-05-06 12:18, Stanisław Findeisen wrote:
> Heh, that's what this question is about. :-)
> Restricting certain privileges (like su root) to certain users only
> looks more secure than letting everyone do it... Is there any particular
> reason Debian GNU/Linux is so permissive by default?
> --=20
> Eisenbits - proven software solutions: http://www.eisenbits.com/
> OpenPGP: E3D9 C030 88F5 D254 434C  6683 17DD 22A0 8A3B 5CC0

This e-mail has quoted Henrique's text (check the message source!), but
here: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/05/msg00369.html it is
cut out. It also doesn't display in my Icedove

I also have no idea where did those "=20" (there are 2) come from. I was
typing gnupg private key password to sign the message (with Enigmail
OpenPGP 0.95.0), but typed it incorrectly at the first time.

What is it??

It is also the first time that I noticed that people's e-mail addresses
are just plain mailto:s on the archive page...

Eisenbits - proven software solutions: http://www.eisenbits.com/
OpenPGP: E3D9 C030 88F5 D254 434C  6683 17DD 22A0 8A3B 5CC0

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