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Re: Debian rolling: tentative summary


I'm a bit new to Debian but just wanted to add my $0.02 to this discussion,
since it's something that I personally find very interesting.
Firstly, I think the question should be, "which users would be targeted by a
rolling release?" I don't think there are many people out who have the need for
*both* really stable and supported *and* up-to-date packages and this might not
even be possible without a huge team to work on it. IMHO the rolling release
should be targeted at people who want the latest stuff but don't care that much
about stability.
I had a quick talk on this with a couple of people on IRC where I suggested
starting with a 'clone' of the testing repository, and changing a couple of the
rules, like not having a freeze for example and maybe increasing the time it
takes packages to 'promote' from unstable into rolling. This might not make the
most stable configuration but I think it would be a good compromise between
having the latest packages and not having any really serious bugs. I for one
would only dislike bugs that cause a data loss or a non-operable system, and
from what I know these are pretty rare even in testing.
If it then would be also possible to decrease the release time of stable to
something around a year, I think this might make everyone happy, both the
'stability freaks' and the average Joe.


Best regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Cristian Henzel

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