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Re: debian/copyright verbosity

Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org> writes:

> Because it's a useless waste of time to make a spurious distinction
> where none needs to exist.

We seem to largely be talking past each other.

> Unless the files are under different licences, there is no reason to
> subdivide the copyright statements.

This, though, seems to me to be a very concise and accurate summary of
your position. Correct?

If that's the case, then I can't see why you would bother collecting
copyright statements *at all*; the file ‘debian/copyright’ is
essentially a misnomer, and it should contain nothing but license grants
and terms. Please show me where I've misunderstood your position.

 \           “I just got out of the hospital; I was in a speed-reading |
  `\     accident. I hit a bookmark and flew across the room.” —Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney

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