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Re: Reopening bug closed due to SPAM

> The only reason it is easy for spammers to close a bug is that the bug
> has been already closed before (and reopened again) and the spammers
> have harvested the -done address for that bug from the web pages.
A very valid point... I took the task more general - to infiltrate bug
reports (and may be give ideas for even mailing lists) from SPAM.
crawlers get all BUGID@bugs emails and then bug reports get spammed as
well as the relevant dudes.

BTW - why it has to be "iff" scheme - why it can't be a pipeline

if signed with a valid GPG signature -- permit
if spamassassin gives negative score -- permit
 send a verification letter

Indeed - it is more load on the server but 1st step doesn't require much
of load, mostly waiting time for the transaction. We would get to
spamassassin quite rarely if most of people (and DD) start signing their
submissions, and 3rd one will hit with probably 1% false positives...

=------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
                   Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]

Attachment: pgpM0hscPO3iP.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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