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Upstream version with a hyphen?

I'm getting ready to upload a new version of crash (finally!),
but I've run into a small problem.  The upstream version
includes a dash. (i.e. the current version looks like 3.8-2.1)

Now, for a while I was going under the assumption that this was
not okay, so I changed the version to, which worked

I took a look in the policy manual, and I've been lead to
believe that having a hyphen in the upstream version is okay:

   "The upstream_version may contain only alphanumerics[28] and
    the characters . + - : (full stop, plus, hyphen, colon) and
    should start with a digit. If there is no debian_revision
    then hyphens are not allowed; if there is no epoch then
    colons are not allowed."
           -- section 5.6.11, "Version"

In particular, "if there is no debian_revision then hyphens are
not allowed."

Perhaps I am wrong in thinking that if there IS a debian
revision that hyphens SHOULD be allowed? ;)

The full version string I tried using is: 3.8-2.1-1, and I ended
up with a debian native package.

Am I doing something wrong, or should I just give up and change
the '-' to a '.'?


Josh Huber

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