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Re: Debian packages and freedesktop.org (Gnome, KDE, etc) menu entries

On 05-Dec-03, 05:54 (CST), Mathieu Roy <yeupou@gnu.org> wrote: 
> Steve Greenland <steveg@moregruel.net> said:
> > As for me, I'm happy to provide either my current menu files, which are
> > supported by all of the DE/WM systems in Debian, *or* .desktop files,
> > *when* they are supported by all (or at least most) the DE/WM systems in
> > Debian.
> If everybody waits the .desktop to be supported by anybody else to
> start supporting it, it will never be supported in any way.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? I'm saying that when the other DE/WM
systems support .desktop files, either natively or via translataion
(which is exactly how the current Debian menu files are supported),
*along with the current menu files*, then individual packages can start
transitioning to the .desktop format without breaking every desktop
environment in Debian except GNOME and KDE. 

At best, this requires only (only!) a tool in the menu package that
reads .desktop and generates Debian menu files when appropriate, which
would be run out of the menu installation hook before the menu methods
are run to create the WM/DE native menu formats. But I haven't looked
at the menu system structure for a while, so someone who actually knows
what they're talking about should probably speak up now.


Steve Greenland
    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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