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problem with Debian mailing list (unsubscribing)?

I've been having trouble unsubscribing from a couple of the Debian mailing
lists.  I've tried a number of ways - sending an email as instructed at the
bottom of most list messages, trying the web form at

Either way, the reply I get is

Subject: unsuccessful unsubscribe request
It has been requested that the following address:


should be deleted from the debian-devel mailing list.

Sorry, but this address has NOT been found on the list.

I've also tried with dparsons@debian.org, but got the same response (I think
dparsons@emerall.com is the one actually subscribed).

So is there any reason why the list server thinks I'm not subscribed (while
it happily keeps inundating with mail from the lists!) ?

Thanks for any help,


PGP public key available at http://people.debian.org/~dparsons/drewskey.txt
Fingerprint: A110 EAE1 D7D2 8076 5FE0  EC0A B6CE 7041 6412 4E4A

Attachment: pgpG7gagVXQUC.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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